The following is a list of NC VOAD members activated or likely to activate in North Carolina in response to Hurricane Helene. You can find information on how to volunteer with each organization and types of volunteer activities each organization leads.
American Red Cross
Volunteer application: https://volunteerconnection.redcross.org/?nd=intake_content&entry_point…
Volunteer type: shelters, supply distribution, health services, blood donation, case management, reunification
Baptists on a Mission
Volunteer application: https://baptistsonmission.org/Mission-Projects/By-Mission-Type/Disaster…
Volunteer type: supply distribution, shower and laundry services, chain saw work, tarping roofs and clearing out homes
Church of the Brethren Volunteer application: https://www.brethren.org/bdm/rebuild/volunteer/
Volunteer type: long-term rebuilding of homes
Community Organized Relieve Effort (CORE) Volunteer application: https://www.coreresponse.org/emergency-response-team/
Volunteer type: chain saw work, tarping roofs, food distribution
Convoy of Hope Volunteer application: https://convoyofhope.org/get-involved/volunteer/
Volunteer type: food and water distribution
Diaper Bank of North Carolina Volunteer application: https://www.ncdiaperbank.org/volunteer
Volunteer type: host a diaper drive, donation pick-up driver, diaper distribution
Emerge Ministries Volunteer application: https://www.emerge4unity.org/helene-volunteer
Volunteer type: Supply distribution, health services
Hearts with Hands Asheville Volunteer application: https://www.heartswithhands.org/volunteer
Volunteer type: food and supply distribution
IEEE MOVE Volunteer application: https://move.ieeeusa.org/help/volunteer-resources/
Volunteer type: temporary power and communication infrastructure
Information Technology Disaster Resource Center Volunteer application: https://itdrc.my.site.com/volunteer/s/
Volunteer type: information technology and mobile communications assistance
Legal Aid of North Carolina and North Carolina Bar Foundation Volunteer application: https://www.ncbarfoundation.org/our-programs/disaster-legal-services/di…
Volunteer type: pro bono legal services, must be licensed attorney
Lutheran Services Carolinas
Volunteer application: contact Lutheran Services Carolinas, PO Box 947, Salisbury, NC 28145, 1-800-HELPING or email ContactUs@LSCarolinas.net
Volunteer type: long-term recovery
Mennonite Disaster Service Volunteer application: https://mds.org/form-pages/2024-hurricane-helene-weekly-volunteer-waitl…
Volunteer type: debris removal, home repairs, rebuilding and other construction
National Emergency Child Care Network Volunteer application: https://emergencychildcare.org/contact-2/
Volunteer type: provide emergency childcare, training required
Next Level Disaster Relief Volunteer application: https://www.nextleveldisasterrelief.org/donate-volunteer
Volunteer type: tree cutting and clearing roads, search and rescue, food distribution
Operation BBQ Relief Volunteer application: https://operationbbqrelief.org/volunteer-obr/
Volunteer type: food distribution
Operation Blessing
Volunteer application: https://www.cervistech.com/acts/console.php?console_id=0087&console_typ… Volunteer type: supply distribution
Rise Disaster Relief & Recovery Volunteer application: https://riseteam.org/volunteer/#volunteer
Volunteer type: assisting families, cleaning debris, distributing supplies, etc. Primarily veterans.
Samaritan’s Purse
Volunteer application: https://www.spvolunteer.org/?_gl=1*237czk*_gcl_au*Njg0NTcxMzA3LjE3Mjc5O…
Volunteer type: assisting homeowners with cleanup. No skills are necessary prior to serving.
Team Rubicon Volunteer application: https://rollcall-events.teamrubiconusa.org/
Volunteer type: assisting homeowners with cleanup
Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod Volunteer application: https://www.lcms-lert.org/need/detail/?need_id=996139
Volunteer type: flood clean-up. No prior experience necessary.
Salvation Army Volunteer application: https://disaster.salvationarmyusa.org/register.php
Volunteer type: food distribution, emotional support
United Church of Christ Volunteer application: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KXVZ-_EM-U-7ZZyzMRH…
Volunteer type: Remote volunteer opportunity to help with information gathering
United Methodist Church- North Carolina Conference Volunteer application: https://nccumc.org/disaster/2024/09/hurricane-helene-relief-efforts-joi…
Volunteer type: Building cleaning kits
United Way of North Carolina Volunteer application: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=FtbvZCQa_U-il6g3lTZ…
Volunteer type: United Way will match volunteers with opportunities based on their skills.